Thank you for your interest in the NECTAR Study!
To investigate the relationship between yogurt consumption and digestive health. We are looking for healthy adults between the ages of 22-64 years.
Study Description:
The study will consist of two 2-week periods where participants will consume a yogurt snack two times per day, separated by at least 4 weeks. Participants will be asked to visit the lab for 5 sessions and complete questionnaires, computer tasks, a body composition scan, and liver ultrasound. In addition, 4 stool samples will be collected. For your participation, you will receive $50 after the first intervention period and testing and an additional $250 after completion of the study.
Exclusion Criteria:
Eligible participants meet the following criteria:
- 22-64 years of age
- Body mass index between 18.5-29.9 kg/m2 (https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm
- Have 3-6 bowel movements per week
- Not allergic or intolerant to honey, dairy, lactose or food dye
- No physician diagnosed gastrointestinal disease (chronic constipation, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, or GERD)
- Not currently taking laxatives, anti-diarrhea medications, narcotics, antispasmodics, anticonvulsants, or prescription GERD medications or antibiotics within the past 3 months
- Not pregnant, lactating, or post-menopausal
- No tobacco use
- No history of gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy surgery or adjustable gastric band surgery within the past 5 years
- Not concurrently enrolled in another dietary, exercise, or medication study
Contact Information:
Email: nectarstudy@illinois.edu
NCT number: NCT04187950